domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

René Descartes

rene descartes born in 1596 and die in 1670
is considered the father of the modern philosophy
he was one of the firsts epistemologists, phenomenologists and existentialisms in the history of the philosophy

descartes make the question of "How do we know what we live is not a dream?". He think that, We can´t fully trust our senses.
after many time he came to the conclusion that "we exist because we think"

he think that the world is mechanical universal, everything works like a mathematical problem and have a causse and effect.

he creates the Cartesian method, it is to doubt everything, and has various steps to do it, each one is important and they can not be ignored.

he doesn´t believe in the atomic theory that said that the things can be divided to atoms and not more, René Descartes think that everythig can be divided infinite.

Descartes think that the human is a machine that have different funtions and sistems, he think thet the human is a extention of God, he said that our soul let we suppress needs y let we know the things.

1 comentario:

  1. This funny drawing ejeje
    We understand the class well
    have a great job but you have to put an example of what your understanding.
