martes, 13 de abril de 2010

How can something be someone´s proerty?

the idea of a property today is managed by money, anything can be purchased whit enough money, but how things became property of the person that are selling it, maybe another person sell that thing to him, whit this idea can make a chain or cycle of buying and selling of various things.

I think that in the beginning, something are property of someone if the owner put some of it on the property, i mean that the owner (in case of terrain properties) must have worked the land and make it productive and live in there, (in case of other things) or have built or created the object of his property, or obtain it in a honest way like purchased it,inheritance, or like a gift of another person.

There is some persons that steal the properties of other persons, they can use an have the stolen things but that does not mean that those things are of his property.

we need a organisation to live in peace and inside of this organisation are the obtain of properties that only one person can have and the others must respect that properties

4 comentarios:

  1. your idea of property would work only in an agricultural basic society, not in a modern one. if the janitor of IBM says he works the land where the company is built dose he own it noo of course not!

  2. That's because i trying to see the origins of terrestrial properties, I know that in our time we cant do that and we have to get land with money or other means

  3. i see that the all posts have the same size, exept that of Gali and yours -_-
    those are small!!!

