domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

.:Deconstruction of vete a la versh:.

The word Deconstruction refers to the analysis of how was build a consept, with historic events, metaphors, and more, and how this concept has change along the time and is diferent in other parts of the world with diferent cultures and lenguages

a examlpe of this are the word "Chingon" in Mexico (i think that is mexico, the people are crazy there xD) they use the word "Chingon" in diferent ways like, "¡¡¡BIEN CHINGON!!!!" xD, it says that is cool or great, or "YA ME CHINGE" that says like, I am in problems, or "¡¡¡QUE CHINGADOS!!!" that is like say WTF!!! xD.
well i dont know what is the exact meaning of "Chingon" but they makes sound it cool, and give diferent meanings along the time

a example of these and other words are in this video of "Vete a la versh" an others

there is expretions like:
"¡¡NO MAMES!!" ---in our country that sound bad or extrange
"PERDER TIEMPO EN MAMADAS" --- that word also have diferent meanings
"¡¡DEJE DE JALARSELA Y VENGA A ABRIR!!!" --- weel, that sounds bad everywere xD
"¡¡QUE PEDO!!" --- that one is funy xD
"¡¡ESTE JUEGO ESTA BIEN CHINGON!!!" --- that one is the best

well. that was diferent words deconstructed and with diferent meanings given by the past of the time, I hope you enjoyed this post,I enjoy it xD, yours humble server ,me, said goodbye xD

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

"NOTHINGNESS" is posible??!!!

I don´t realy understand well the last class, there was some grammar and I am terrible in the english grammar so I going to put what i understand about the nothingness and what i think about if is possible the nothingness (YEA!!, doing the homework xD)

well, the concept of nothing is the absence of anything in some place, but if there is nothing is suposed that there will be nothing, no air, no visible things (because there is nothing xD), not even space, this is confusing because we said a lot of times "there is nothing" but there is the air, trees could be, even something that we don´t interested like an animal or plant, we said that because we can be searching a specific thing (YEA!!!, like my SOUL!!, do you seen my soul? I cant found my soul!!! waaaa!! xD)

I think that nothingness is very super possible, because nothingness is all those things that that not is something (it sounds very stupid, better fix that fast xD) Yea, with an exammple, is like you refer to an specific thing in the world, something like a, mmmmmmm... i don´t know, lets say a bread (BREAD!!, I am hungry, I going to eat bread),well, the bread is a bread and nothing more, all those things that not are bread are nothingness, all that other things doesn´t matter because we want bread xD.

well, thats what I think about nothingness, all those things that are not related to something in specific.
good nigths, see you in the classroom, bye =)

-------homework done--------- xD

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

Digital art!! yea!!!

Between all the great variety kinds of art that we have in our time the three that I most like are the digital art, or art make in computers like drawings, animations or things in 3D, the second are the normal drawing or Traditional art, that consist in drawings, paints and other artworks made with traditional methods like pencils, colors, dry pastels, brushes and other cool methods that was created during the time, the third is the music that is one way of expres the feelings or opinions with melodies, rhythms, and words in a song.

digital art: well i like it because is cool xD, work in a computer gives a lot of advantages like "Crtl - Z" (oohh I love "Ctrl - Z") literaly, if you do a super stupid thing only put "Ctrl - Z" and the time return to the exact moment before you do that stupid thing xD (is like a time machine xD), another thing is that when you put color to drawings in the computer, you can make everything that you can do in a real paper and with a better resolution and colors more deep or clear, you can put diferent effects and use layers, you can made a normal drawing scan it and paint it in t
he computer (even if it is a bad drawing, sometimes with color seems cool) like this

- I do this drawing when Martin Galiano gives me the idea of a futbolistic submarine xD is like a joke

then I put color to it in the computer, as a digital image

- It looks better =D, I want to remenber that this image is mine, I made this image the drawing and the color , you can´t found this in internet because is mine xD, I use it like an example in this post but there is persons that make other awesome things in computer, my image is very simple.

well, there is something called Digitalizer tablet (i have it xD), that is like a pencil and a tablet conected to a computer this help a lot to put effects and drawings because with the mouse is next to impossible.

this is a crazy image maded completly with the digitalizer tablet =) is my first drawing made with the digitalizer tablet, 100% computer, no scaner,and no previous sketches, only either a character invented to test my tablet xD, is well and I realized that I had ability xD

I was very nervious about put my images on the post but i realize that it doesn´t matter what think all those monkeys caged in a classroom about my drawings....., I´m kidding xD

these were the reasons to love the digital drawing =) YEA!!!!

all images used in this post are the property of my (copyright rights), and its use without permission is punishable with one or two insults xD

oh, if you want to see the images well, you must clic the image =)

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Ding and sich of a meaning O_O

Meaning are a lot of arguments and characteristics that let us explain what is something, what is his funtion or disfuntion xD

Is very dificult to explaint the esence of a meaning because a meaning explain what is the things, something very similar to the esence of the things (la mansanidad the la mansana (i don´t know how to say that in english ;_; ), the thing that make us recognize the apple, even if is rotten, painted, crushed, sliced, in juice, squeezed, bited or something else (apple brutality xD, poor apple) we recognize the apple) (hey, I have parentheses inside of the parentheses, sometimes it confuse me ;_;)

<--- this is a apple, a stupid apple but a apple.

Ok, Lets continue with the Ding ant sich, I think that a ding and sich of a meaning is the use of the language, I mean the form of union of diferent words and letters to
explain something. Or maybe because we know what is a meaning, in our experiences and memories in our lifes we know what need to have a meaning to be a meaning (need to explaint something, have sence, or tell some characteristics).

now, some crazy images (don´t laugh, this is serious -__-)

this last image not have relation with the theme but is so funny xD

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

Insanity = Power

The power and money corrupt the people, today have power means have money and if you have money you can purchase everything that you want, some people with money think that they are the most important people, that have privileges, that are better than others, The last Coca cola in the desert xD, for me this is a mental sick because they thik that are superior and can do everything that they want without a consequently, this can be abuses to other persons or employers and that is insanity, besides usually the people with power wants more power, and can do anything to have more power even if that means hurt other people, (like I said in the post of socialism and capitalism) they become greedy and abusive with other people.

well, there is other people with money that not want more money (because they have exexive money (more that my T_T ;_;) and feel that is suficient) this people pass his lifes makes his dreams real and spend his money in things that they like (good form of live the life xD ) if they don´t bother others I think that is good (damn crazy millionaires)

now some crazy related images =D :

disgusting and greedy dog

yea!!!, 17 dollars!!!

I don´t know? Why do you ask that to me?

oooh!!! poor thing, your dreams fall apart before they begin

oh my god!!!!! (I don´t believe in god) the ignorance don´t have limits

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

super neurosis attack!!!!

well, we all have a neurosis, something that make us get angry (very angry, extremely angry, enough to want to kill someone xD), sometimes are things that not have any importance to other persons, but it doesn´t matter, we are angry `_´, those neurosis are produced by some events in the past of our life (all start when my father don´t want to take me to the circus)in other words, terrible traumas that affect our lives until we die (you can´t scape)^^

I going to talk about one or more of those terrible neurosis that i have:
I hate the stressed people: they makes me angry because, I walk happy in my happy life with my happy shoes and my happy face, then a stressed someone talk to you bad or with a bad attitude, and my happy world falls apart in a infinite and obscure hell, and I get angry. I think that this happens because my father is a stressed person, when he is working or thinking and if you try to talk to him, reacts badly =(

Insults in my head: sometimes my brain decides act by his self, and decides to insult verybody in front of me, obviously that insults keep in my head (if not, i´m in serious problems Dx ). i don´t know if that is a neurosis or his reasons, maybe because the acumulated angry, product of the stressed people xD

now!!!, some stressed people =)

ooohh i love this bear ^

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

¡¡¡¿¿¿Copitalism or SoCialism???!!!

Socialism and capitalism are two very very different kinds of society with diferent kinds of thinking, goverment and laws, the capitalism are based in the money, with company, business, workers, etc. But the capitalism becomes something that people with money or power can exploit and abuse that is the reason for some people to hate capitalism for this reason are created the theory of socialisn (as everyone says)

if socialism is so good as they say, I think that the socialism is better, because we all can be equal and we have our benefits acording to the colaboration to the society,that give us the necesary resources to have a happy and cool life

But our society are not prepared to the socialism because we all are bad, greedy, envious looking for more money and power (You too, don´t feign) even if it means hurting others.
We are we are afraid of lose the money and the power that we have won trampling to others and don´t want to change to socialism because all are equal and in his brains that idea is imposble, and they only can abuse of his power in capitalism, if we were not so greedy and envious, the capitalism works

I leave you with this image of one capitalist greedy and ugly xD

Oh, puleeeese - dude you´ve made millons in your industry - WHATEVER!

domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

Are humans beings matter or psyche? Why?

In our time we can define us like a part of matter and a part of psyche, because we have already past that conflict, but in this post i going to think like if still exist that super emo conflict of that we only have to be matter or psyche.

well, i think that we are matter because our world are compose by matter, a mass that occupy space in the world and space (Mass effect!!! xD), because the psyche are something like a product or illusion of the mass of our brain that realize a infinity of chemical processes only to define something or make our breakfast (with eggs, bread, coffee and if you have more hungry, put something more to your breakfast, fool).

Is logic that we are matter because we occupy space, i don´t know how we would be if we are psyche, maybe we are like ghost, invisible or in a other dimension. but we are matter formed by molecules that form atoms that form our organs and our body.
the psyche are more the thougth, the emotions, and the intelligence produced by the brain and control our body maked of matter. You can imagine a world maked our emotions, thougth, wishes, and other crazy things that live in our head,would be like if we were drugged all the time (that's what I imagine), maybe in that world Homer can be president drinking a lot of beer xD, because that is a form of psyche (a stupid psyche, but is a psyche xD).

well, that´s what i think about the matter and the psyche, good night


martes, 13 de abril de 2010

How can something be someone´s proerty?

the idea of a property today is managed by money, anything can be purchased whit enough money, but how things became property of the person that are selling it, maybe another person sell that thing to him, whit this idea can make a chain or cycle of buying and selling of various things.

I think that in the beginning, something are property of someone if the owner put some of it on the property, i mean that the owner (in case of terrain properties) must have worked the land and make it productive and live in there, (in case of other things) or have built or created the object of his property, or obtain it in a honest way like purchased it,inheritance, or like a gift of another person.

There is some persons that steal the properties of other persons, they can use an have the stolen things but that does not mean that those things are of his property.

we need a organisation to live in peace and inside of this organisation are the obtain of properties that only one person can have and the others must respect that properties

martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

How is god adressed in the middle ages?!!!! O_o

I think that in middle ages God was adressed as a super powerfull omnipresent god that chose the fate of all the people un the universe.
The people can´t doub the existence of God or any of his incredible powers or his hability of be invicible, be everywhere, make effect in everything, make people pay diesm
os, and make our lives miserable T_T . And if you doub about all those strange and incoherent things, the church said that you are a witch, demon or other invented things, and then burn you like a giant meat skewer, and do not put vejetales, only you!!! XD

well, what I mean is that at that time could not choose to believe or not believe, you have to believe in God or you die, even if you not understand what is God.

and they need a explain to all the things that they can´t discover or understand.
they think that God create everything because they not have idea of what happened realy or how something like animals have life.

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

René Descartes

rene descartes born in 1596 and die in 1670
is considered the father of the modern philosophy
he was one of the firsts epistemologists, phenomenologists and existentialisms in the history of the philosophy

descartes make the question of "How do we know what we live is not a dream?". He think that, We can´t fully trust our senses.
after many time he came to the conclusion that "we exist because we think"

he think that the world is mechanical universal, everything works like a mathematical problem and have a causse and effect.

he creates the Cartesian method, it is to doubt everything, and has various steps to do it, each one is important and they can not be ignored.

he doesn´t believe in the atomic theory that said that the things can be divided to atoms and not more, René Descartes think that everythig can be divided infinite.

Descartes think that the human is a machine that have different funtions and sistems, he think thet the human is a extention of God, he said that our soul let we suppress needs y let we know the things.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

Examples of Idols of the mind

Idols of the marquetplace
an example of this is when my mother said that i have to pass the diaper to her hands, i took the diaper and i give the diaper to my mother but she but she said that the diaper is not a diaper and send me to bring the diaper, and i confuse, i took another diaper and i give the diaper to my mother she said that a diaper is a Cloth rag that serves to clean and burping the baby then i scream, my mother scream and the ba
by scream.

My mother told me it was a cloth diaper and not a diaper.

There was a miscommunication because my mother had forgotten to said that is a cloth diaper, since when she tells me to give her the diaper I give the cloth diaper and backwards, just to annoy

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010

What makes people follow a 10 years old kid talking about god and creation?

I think that the people follow a ten yeas old kid because there are people who really beliebe in his religion, an really believe who that kid, talking stupid things, was commanded by god to tell us the things that are true and destroy de science .
The people need something or someone in who believe because soneones consider that is an offense to say that the humans evolved fron the monkey, they believe that god crate the humans in his likeness, and God created the human whit clay and magical mistical powers tha we can not understand, and if we try to undertand them, our head would explode, because that is the God´s will. This is people who can not tolerate other beliefs.

Meroever the parents of this kid may be using his own son to earn money whit his speeches and become famous and annealed by the religious sosiety.
his parents had to teach all those religious things to his son and fill his mind with pure nonsense because a ten years old kid can not make that conclutions about God, religion and other things, and make those speeches and meetings of thousands of people by itself. His parents or representants or the ones who take care of he are helping or manipulating that kid to manipulate the people and the religion.

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010


Aristotles was one of the first philosophers in the ancient Greece. He was a follower of plato but he has some ideas that not accord with the think of Plato and start to criticize Plato. He take the ideas of Plato and make it better.

Aristotles make scientific study of the things and he reasons that the material thing like the body are more important that the soul and give more importance to the body, but he dont forget the soul, he think that the soul is the thing that have the emotions, think, have life, ideas, memory, etc. and without the soul the body can not do anything.

Aristotles think that the citizen must have family, born in Greece, and other things.
the citizens have the obligation to study, the citizens must go to the schools and universities to learn more and teach to the others citizens to make better Greece.

Aristotles think that the three kinds of policy are good: the Monarchy, the Aristocracy and the democracy. But the three kinds of policy can become bad when have corruption or degradation, the Monarchy become tyranny, the aristocracy become Oligarchy and the democracy become Oclocracy.

Asistoteles was une of the first biologists, he study the anatomy of various animals and make two groups the animals with blood and without blood that is like invertebrates and vertebrates.
Before that he make the separation of the group of things that move and things that not move like live and not live things.